Easter Egg Hunt and Tea Party: An Alexandria Family Session

Over the weekend, I was scheduled for a Saturday morning Easter session.  We moved to Sunday afternoon, which was the best decision ever.  It felt like Spring!  Knowing that sweet toddler Z would not want to pose, mom and I plotted an egg hunt and styled tea party.  The kids had a great time, and we laughed hard.  Z was very into the egg hunt, and he would go from heartbroken to thrilled every time he located an egg.  B was more than willing to pose, and she re-hid the Easter eggs at least three times, then went out to find them herself.

Photographing the same families multiple years in a row brings me such joy, as now I'm on round 3 or 4 for some groups.  Babies turn into toddlers with opinions and toddlers turn into big kids.  I'm so thankful for what I do and for the amazing families I get to capture.

Kids in Action: #MarchForOurLives

The cherry blossoms have been fickle as always, with peak bloom dates changing.  Before calling NPS to request a change of date, I decided to go check out the blossoms myself on Wednesday.

After finding zero blossoms, I thought I'd see if the shoe memorial to gun violence victims was still up.  It wasn't, but there were tons of students still at the Capitol lawn protesting.  Regardless of how you feel about their goals, it's worth noting that every kid I met was polite and respectful.  As a former teacher, this gives me hope for the future.  Civil discourse, kids being interviewed in Spanish for various media, kids stopping to say hi and show me their signs, and kids who politely gave me space to walk while I lugged around a giant purse, camera, and toddler on my back!

As adults, we want kids to learn to be respectful citizens, to understand civics, to understand that actions have consequences, and not to eat Tide Pods.  I saw kids who were all of the things we want, and in an extremely diverse crowd.

Most of my work focuses on capturing people, but when you have a chance to document history, you do it!

The sign that stood out the most read "Fix this before I text my mom from under a desk."  As the parent of two little girls, it broke my heart and terrified me.

TC Williams Class of 2018: Alexandria, VA Senior Portraits

Christina was an absolute joy to photograph.  A TC Williams senior off to study nursing, she was not only beautiful, but gracious and fun.  We trekked all over Old Town Alexandria to capture her senior portraits.  I'm booking for class of 2018 for spring and class of 2019 for summer, and spots will go quickly, so contact me ASAP to make sure you have time to get graduation announcements!

The Tubie Project: Superhero Kids with Feeding Tubes

My daughter didn't have a feeding tube, but she did have GI surgery at birth.  I have been given the smallest glimpses into a raising a medically fragile child, as Ellie's care has been pretty simple in the past six years.  I am so impressed by parents, often with no medical training before their children are born, who provide the day in and day out care of tube feeding.

Here's to the tubie kids and the tubie parents!

Donut Headshots: Old Town Alexandria Blogger Photography

When Megan from Session Spiels contacted me about headshots, I had a feeling it would be a good time.  The first thing I read about her was that she loves donuts, and after one rain reschedule, we set up a photography session in Old Town Alexandria.  She grabbed some Sugar Shack donuts en route, and we had a great time laughing and capturing her fun personality!

Old Town Alexandria features the BEST colors, even on a cloud February day!  Looking for some headshots that showcase the real you?  Contact me to get on my schedule!