Expecting Baby Sister {Arlington, VA Maternity Photographer}

I had just informed my husband that I was all done booking for fall when I got a message from a friend I first met when she was probably in high school.  "Hey Megan, we're expecting number two.  Any chance you can fit us in?"  YES.

I am so excited for this simply beautiful family.  Their son will be the best big brother (and is probably a future model.  He loves the camera.)  I had a rough Thanksgiving week.  I was in a car accident, my back was sore, my oldest was sick, my baby was teething, my husband was sick, I never got super sick but felt awful on Thanksgiving.  And then I got to go out Saturday morning and capture joy and hope.  My rough week got way better.

I am profoundly thankful for the privilege of what I do.

Sweet Baby Girl {Alexandria, VA Family Photographer}

We switched from an outdoor to an indoor session thanks to 30 mph winds and chilly temps.  Capturing baby E was a joy.  She cried when I put the camera away - this girl was born to model!  (And her parents are both gorgeous, too!)  My daughter Ellie LOVES baby E, and sat beside me as I edited parts of this session proclaiming, "I LOVE that baby!"

And then there were six {Arlington/Alexandria, VA Family Photographer}

This spring, I photographed this beautiful family as they awaited the birth of baby #4, joining his five year old brother and sister and two and a half year old sister.

This fall, it was great to reconnect and photograph the family of now six!  We moved our session up a bit as a giant windstorm was expected.  Despite a sunny and warm arrival as I scoped out the location, an hour and a half later there were gusts up to 50 mph!  The big kids thought it was hilarious!

An Extended Family Session {Alexandria/Arlington, VA Photographer}

What a joy to work with this family again!  When I first photographed them, I was amazed Mom and I had never met.  We have a ton of mutual friends.  Since then, our kids have ended up in gymnastics class together and we've run into each other on various occasions. When she asked if the grandparents could join the fun, I was happy to say yes!